Lou Ferrigno Net Worth
How much is Lou Ferrigno worth?

Lou Ferrigno net worth: Lou Ferrigno is an American actor, fitness trainer, and retired professional bodybuilder who has a net worth of $12 million. Lou Ferrigno accumulated his net worth through his years as Mr. Universe, as a personal fitness trainer and consultant, his role in television as the Hulk and in comedy sitcoms, as well as being cast in films.
Early Life: Louis Jude Ferrigno was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 9, 1951 to Victoria and Matt Ferrigno. As a child, he lost 75 to 80% of his hearing from ear infections. His hearing loss caused Louis to be bullied by his peers throughout his childhood. At 13 he started weight training and looked up to superheroes in pop culture such as Hercules, Spider-Man, and the Hulk. The family couldn’t afford to buy him a set of weights to train with, so Ferrigno made his own using a broomstick and pails that he filled with cement. Ferrigno attended St. Athanasius Grammar School and Brooklyn Technical High School and graduated in 1969.
More about the earnings of Lou Ferrigno
Actor Lou Ferrigno has a networth that has to be considered high.
Inspirational Quotes by Lou Ferrigno
I think Eric Bana would be a good Superman. He's got that look. I think he'd be a great Superman.
Lou Ferrigno
You are going to have bad days and have good days.
Lou Ferrigno
I like to be home every night with my family.
Lou Ferrigno
I have the largest collection of Hulk memorabilia in the world - everything from toilet paper, wallpaper, bicycles - all boxed up at my house in Northern California. I've had it for so long, I think it might be time to sell it.
Lou Ferrigno
I have a tremendous passion for fitness, I love challenges and I am a very driven guy.
Lou Ferrigno